An Information Booklet about the GORAZD Project: An Old Church Slavonic Digital Hub

An information booklet about the GORAZD Project has just been published in the edition Science Around us. The booklet was prepared by the members of the implementation team F. Čajka, M. Chromá, V. Knoll, Š. Pilát and K. Spurná. In the booklet you can find information about the project and its goals and the software solution, you can also learn about dictionaries incorporated in the project, their brief history and the way of their digitalization as well as the plans and possibilities for future development and expansion. On the booklet cover you can also find basic information about the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., its sometimes difficult history and current activities and projects.

You can obtain the booklet for free in the library of the Institute of Slavonic Studies or it is available for free download here.

The booklet is also available in Czech and Russian versions.
